About Recovery Sunday
God is in the business of redeeming the lost and restoring hope to those in despair. Psalm 34:18 declares, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
For those who have become addicted to alcohol, drugs, pornography, sex or food to endure the pain of prior sexual, physical, or verbal abuse, this is good news indeed!
That's why three years ago, pastors and addiction recovery professionals teamed up to start a concerted effort to help churches spearhead a Christ-centered solution for the growing addiction epidemic in this country. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the increased stress and anxiety have led to a skyrocketing number of people turning to destructive self-medication instead of to their Creator for comfort.
Frankly, 2023 is the perfect year for your church to join our sixth annual Recovery Sunday on September 24th to help Christ-centered recovery spread like a wildfire so that it can begin to outpace the spread of Satanic addiction.
Pastors Say..
“One of the most tragic things in our generation is addiction. Whether drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling or even eating. As servants of Jesus Christ, we are in the reconciliation business. Which means we share the gospel with the poor, heal broken relationships and give hope for liberty to those who are bound in the church and community through our reclamation and regeneration programs."
Bishop Ken Henderson, Lead Pastor Salt Life Church, Merritt Island, FL
CEO and Co-Founder CGM Network
"Participating in recovery of those in abuse or addiction will bring about salvation of the lost, victory and experiencing the Lord's victory and fruit bearing to His honor and glory for recovering believers, and the strengthening of the church!"
Pastor Fred Johnson
“When a church helps the abused and those struggling with addictions find a path to recovery, they are being the hands of Jesus to the world.”
Pastor Dale Ingraham, co-founder of Speaking Truth In Love Ministries and author of Tear Down This Wall Of Silence
"Addictions are an epidemic sweeping across the entire world. It's very beneficial for churches and the community to have access to Christian recovery programs and resources. The reason being as many in congregations are struggling and needing help. We know Jesus is the answer! And there are Christ centered programs and resources available as tools to point them to our deliverer."
Evangelist Kandi Rose, producer and host of Addiction Free, TV & radio shows
We can be the hands and feet of Jesus in a world of brokenness and addiction. Let's support recovery in our community!
How we help pastors:
With these FREE resources, it’s easy to address addiction recovery in your church:​
Your free Pastor’s Guide for Recovery Sunday
Your plug-n-play recovery curriculum, Recovery Strategies 4 Life, with 52 free 30-minute videos ($500 value) and free pdf of workbooks
News about available support
Because of the sexual, physical, and mental abuse that many people have endured as children, they have self-medicated to alleviate the pain through drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex, and food.
In the 5-minute overview video above, watch believers describe their pain and their ultimate victory through Christ. The weekly, church-based "Recovery Strategies for Life" curriculum works!
Plug-n-Play Curriculum
Recovery Strategies 4 Life
We can equip you to provide God's healing for the spirits, souls, and bodies of the Christians in your church and community. Specifically, those who struggle with addictions--alcohol, drugs, pornography, sex, food, etc.
Our experience is that once you advertise the availability of this free, Christ-centered recovery program, approximately 5-10% of your church will participate. For example, in a church of 300, 15-30 people would attend a weekly meeting.
Perhaps you are familiar with Celebrate Recovery. While we highly support Celebrate Recovery, there are 2 primary differences between it and Recovery Strategies 4 Life. First, their program is 9 months long. Our program covers the full year. Second, their program addresses the addiction. Our program addresses the addiction AND the underlying root causes of addiction, for example: all types of abuse, divorce, exposure to pornography, abandonment, domestic violence, the painful loss of a loved one, human trafficking, addicted parents.
Recovery Strategies 4 Life is simple to use:
1. Choose a leader to facilitate.
2. Host a weekly meeting:
Play a 30-minute video.
Listen to a worship song.
Discuss the 3 questions.
Encourage participants to apply it to their lives by doing the homework through the pdf printouts or workbook.
Recovery Strategies 4 Life will help the believers in your church to get to the root of their pain. Whether they are coming out of abuse, addiction, or a painful loss, God promises a journey that will help them experience Christ-centered recovery and healing through the videos, written curriculum, and the prayerful support of like-minded friends.
To Educate, Empower, and Equip the faith community and heal the wounds of alcohol and drug abuse on our nation, especially the opioid crisis.
Mission Recovery is a project of S.A.V.E., Survivors and Victims Empowered. SAVE is comprised of professionals who have over 35 years of experience in advocacy and educating the clergy, churches, professionals, and politicians to address relevant cultural and social issues.
Mission Recovery