Educate, empower and equip your congregation when you host Recovery Sunday in your church.
"Christ is our recovery. He gives us the Word and each other as a support for that recovery...
Our having the answer to addiction and abuse is crucial and is the strengthening of the Church itself."
Pastor Cameron "Camy" Arnett, award-winning star in The Overcomer hit movie
Our Seventh Annual Recovery Sunday is...
A day on which churches host individual Recovery Sundays to join others across the nation in addressing the damage of addiction.
Churches around the nation jointly showing compassion to the hurting and addicted on the same Sunday.
Pastors showing they want to help with one of the biggest problems in our neighborhoods.
Believers supporting the hurting and addicted in their search for healing and freedom.
Pastor Ron Smedley, Executive Director of Mission Recovery, invites pastors to register for and participate in Recovery Sunday September 29, 2024 through this 1-minute video.
A minister for 30 years and a former parole officer and caseworker for Child Protective Services for the State of Texas, Pastor Ron is uniquely positioned to understand the depth of the problem of addiction in the church as well as the Christ-centered solutions.
3 Ways to Participate:
Promote Recovery Sunday in your church bulletin leading up to and including Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. Register now for free verbiage to use.
Dedicate your entire church service to Christ-centered recovery from addiction to drugs, alcohol, pornography, and food on Recovery Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. Register now for free recovery-themed worship music and recovery-themed sermon notes with illustrations and relevant Scriptures.
Launch a Christ-centered recovery program for your members and the community. Register now for free access to a 52-week plug-n-play curriculum, Recovery Strategies 4 Life, featuring 30-minute videos and access to the pdf of workbooks.
2024 7th Annual Event
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year the Lord’s favor.”
Luke 4:18
Sobering statistics document need for churches to host "Recovery Sunday"
September 29, 2024
LifeWay Research asked 1,000 Protestant pastors about their personal connections to the opioid epidemic.
66% say a family member of someone in their congregation has been personally affected by opioid abuse.
55% say they or someone in their congregation knows a local neighbor suffering through opioid abuse.
HALF OF PASTORS -- 52% -- say someone directly in their church is dealing with an opioid addiction.
60% say they do not offer a 12-step program or other support groups for substance abuse.
And 13% of pastors admit their church currently isn’t doing anything to help people with opioid addiction.
Read full article here.